Hi all.

this is my little expirience , it may be useful using openbsd & linux in
tha same hard disk .

I made the openbsd area by LINUX's fdisk.
fdisk -l /dev/sdb (500GB USB hard disk)
Device Boot Start End Sectors Size Id Type
 sdb1 22528 3891199 3868672 1.9G 82 Linux swap / Solaris
 sdb2 2048 22527 20480 10M c W95 FAT32 (LBA)
 sdb3 3891200 842751999 838860800 400G 5 Extended
 sdb4 842752000 976773167 134021168 63.9G a6 OpenBSD <--------
 sdb5 3893248 213608447 209715200 100G 83 Linux
 sdb6 * 213610496 528183295 314572800 150G 83 Linux
 sdb7 528185344 842751999 314566656 150G 7 HPFS / NTFS / exFAT

i want to install openbsd OS into sdb4 .
But to install OpenBSD directly is risky .
if i fail , i lose all (including linux) .

So I changed the strategy.
install first on 2G USB.
then clone copy to 500G USB sdb4 .

After connecting the 2G USB and 500G USB , I boot by  openbsd CD .
press ctrl + c, I  look at the way of 2G and 500G by 'dmesg' .
500G is  recognized as sd1.
2G                  as sd2.

i install openbsd OS into ---OpenBSD area---.
When sd1 is formatted , i put  ctrl + c.

my way is always  a (/) and b (swap) only .

# mkdir / mnt0
# mkdir / mnt1

# Mount /dev/sd2a / mnt0
# Mount /dev/sd1a / mnt1

# (cd / mnt0;. tar cvpf -) | (cd / mnt1; tar xpf -)

clone copy itself is completed.
But the boot loader is not .

Therefore I will install boot loader .
afte unplug the 2G, put 500G only ,then i  boot by openbsd CD.
Now select the ---upgrade---,
When i came to the stage 'bsd.rd etc', i select ---abort---.

all is done .
by using  previos menu.lst , i boot openbsd in 500G by grub4dos .
After i launched openbsd , I comment out the xdm in /etc/rc.conf.local.

sorry for my poor english
tuyosi takesima , Japan

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