On 2015-05-28, Kevin Chadwick <m8il1i...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 18 May 2015 17:39:11 +0100
> Craig Skinner wrote:
>> RFC 5321, in section "  Sending Strategy" has:
>> ....
>> ...
>> ..
>>    Retries continue until the message is transmitted or the sender gives
>>    up; the give-up time generally needs to be at least 4-5 days. .....
>> > Are there any experiences, after how many hours/days the sender
>> > side (at the large ones like google, yahoo, hotmail, etc)
>> > gives up?
>> >   
>> I didn't make notes on that, sorry.
>> From memory, they honour the 4 day rule.
> I believe so with the possible exception of hotmail as I seem to
> remember thinking it was typical that microsoft were ignorant of the
> RFC's and stopped trying after hours. 

If it was a rule it would be 'MUST'; in this case it isn't even 'SHOULD' rather
just a general recommendation (4 days gives chance for a fault occurring Friday
evening to be fixed after a long weekend without bouncing).

For some types of email, if it isn't received fairly promptly, it's too late
so there is little point in retrying it, so senders act accordingly.

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