> I didn't ask it to do that and I don't know how to unsuspend.
> As far as I'm concerned this is an undocumented "feature".

This is a full operating system, and cannot be exhaustively
documented.  I doubt you trawled every single manual page to come to
that determination.  Seems a bit unkind.  It is simply a nice default.

Much like my phone blanking the screen if I don't use it for a while:
"I didn't ask for it to do that, and it is undocumented".

> If I want to suspend I'll type zzz.  I haven't found a way to
> turn this off.

In /etc/sysctl.conf, add:


And rather than rebooting to have it apply, apply manually using
# sysctl machdep.lidsuspend=0

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