Not sure how much use posting the results of this will be at this
point, but, for the record --

On Fri, Jul 3, 2015 at 7:43 PM, Theo Buehler <> wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 03, 2015 at 07:29:08PM +0900, Joel Rees wrote:
>> On Fri, Jul 3, 2015 at 3:05 PM, Mike Larkin <> wrote:
>> > One thing is to try 'ZZZ' which will hibernate the machine and will
>> > repost video properly on resume (usually, no promises here either).
>>       Cannot connect to apmd: No such file or directory.
>> I don't even have /etc/apm, much less any scripts in there.
> You need a running apmd(8) to be able to use `zzz' or `ZZZ', as
> explained in the man page for apm(8) (zzz and ZZZ are just hard links to
> apm):
> ``apm communicates with the Advanced Power Management daemon, apmd(8),
> making requests of it for current power status or to place the system
> into a suspend or stand-by state.''
> Try again after issuing
> # rcctl -f start apmd
> or, if you want to enable apmd(8) permanently:
> # rcctl enable apmd
> # rcctl start apmd

Either way, /etc/apm and the scripts that the man pages for apm/apmd
mention under that directory remain missing in action.

However, the -f option does start the daemon without permanently
enabling it and the enable command does leave the daemon enabled.

Relative to the "unknown" hardware, ZZZ (hibernating) seems to work
fine. zzz (sleeping) does not.

Wish I had eight of me, to attack the three pressing problems getting
this netbook fully supported on openbsd, and to take care of my day
job, and to take care of the projects I need the functioning openbsd
netbook for. (Just like everyone here, I'm sure.)

I'll have to leave this one for later.

Joel Rees

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