Have you seen TemLib[1]? That's may be the way for SPARC, otherwise
MIPS64/Octeon or ARM.

Good luck!

[1]: http://temlib.org/site/

On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 6:15 PM, BSD <b...@cpscoatings.net> wrote:
> On Thu, 16 Jul 2015 21:09:30 +0300
> Mihai Popescu <mih...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I never used a SPARC machine but I recall there are some people on the
>> list doing this.
>> What are the minimum requirements for a "decent" SPARC machine? I mean
>> by that a machine who is able to run OpenBSD as a desktop. I am
>> currently use a Pentium 4 3.2GHz with 2 GB DDR and it barely meets my
>> needs. Tell me please the CPU or the machine name, I will search the
>> prices :-).
>> Thanks
> Hello Misc,
> As a new user, I find myself in the same position as the OP: very
> interested in non-Intel products. But there seems to be a vacuum of
> information around this topic. (Which tells me I'm on the right track)
> No operating system can protect itself from its own hardware. So how
> does one protect one's family in these hostile and trying times and
> what-not?
> The replies to the OP seem discouraging. If not Oracle, and not
> Fujitsu, then what? If not a sparc desktop, then what about a sparc
> router? A RISC anything??
> I have yet to achieve that warm fuzzy feeling, and I fear that it is
> not within my reach. Long live Puffy!
> All the best,
> Keith Larsen
> CPS Coatings
> 318-222-6100

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