On 09/20/15 20:34, Quartz wrote:
>> You do that part on a bigger box, build releases there, and use
>> these to update the low power devices.
> That doesn't really help the situation. These machines don't have 
> identical setups so you'd still have to do a lot of manual merging 
> and/or write and maintain a library of custom merge scripts for them.

You think the master builds are done on a machine that is identical to
yours at home?  No.

Build a -stable release on a same platform faster machine.  Now unpack
the .tgz files on the target machines, copy in /bsd, /bsd.rd, reboot.
ta-da, patched machine.  None of your configuration is touched by this

If you are modifying the OpenBSD install to where this doesn't work, you
are on your own, but this has nothing to do with slow
hardware...building from source would do the same thing, as would upgrading.

Upgrades?  Do as usual from binary releases.


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