> On 08/11/15 04:26, Eric Furman wrote:
> I'm not a troll. Just saw the thread on Slashdot and thought it
> would be interesting to see what other people thought.
> I'll refrain from posting such things in the future if the only
> response I get is being called a troll (which is a really
> unimaginative insult by the way).

You used the words *provoke a bit of a debate* in your OP.

If you remember back, as you readed FAQ 1.5 *It's also worth
mentioning one of the most important ways you should not try to "help"
the OpenBSD project: do not waste your time engaging in operating
system flame wars. It does not help the project to find new users and
can cause substantial harm to important relationships that developers
have with other developers.*

Also, as you subscribed to the list, you readed the *Netiquette* -
specially *Respect differences in opinion and philosophy*.

If you try to start a flame or something else, it will end in a
virtual kick in the ass. Compare it - what will happen if you start
somewhere a discussion like Vim versus Emacs or MySQL versus
PostgreSQL ?

Don't be insulted - simple do your homework as expected.

What I think about *Linus Torvalds thoughts on Linux Security* ... the
best security solution is, if the Penguin stays at its natural habitat
- Antarktika.

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