Pass abuse makes BGPd & CARP not available to be use in most interesting places due to valid MAC address registrations requirements.

One question on mac address for CARP interface. Is it possible to change the default mac address use by carp interface from the default:

0000.5e00.0100 to 0000.5e00.01ff

Based on man page, mac address can be changed, but not on carp interface.

The ifconfig carp2 lladdr 00:01:23:45:67:89 doesn't work for example.

The reason I asked is kind of silly and based on the success of CARP and BGPd I guess. (:>

The situation is, one of the major peering point on the east coast of the US, because of pass abuse of less then proper ISP, now required and register access to the peering point based on mac address and needs to be register with them, makes it a bit harder to replace your routers with multiple BGPd and CARP for reliability. Also, a bit more interesting is the fact that multiple ISP using CARP, for easy of use I guess pick the same CARP interface and end up with MAC address conflict, but more over, the MAC address registration now needs to be valid meaning one of the valid register here:

Where the 0000:5exx.xxxx is register to:

00-00-5E   (hex)                USC INFORMATION SCIENCES INST
00005E     (base 16)            USC INFORMATION SCIENCES INST
                                INTERNET ASS'NED NOS.AUTHORITY
                                4676 ADMIRALTY WAY
                                MARINA DEL REY CA 90292-6695
                                UNITED STATES

and it not accepted as equipment to do peering, meaning not Cisco, routers, or Juniper routers, etc.

So, the funny part of it is that, this is not an OpenBSD problem what so ever, nor is it that the CARP with BGPd doesn't work, all the opposite I must admit, but then, how can one adjust the mac address of a CARP interface to either replace it by the valid MAC address previously used by the Cisco or Juniper routers, going on the self next, so that the public peering switch doesn't see the changes and peering session continue to work without registration changes, or use an other valid IEEE mac address on the CARP interface, or not have two ISP that setup their CARP interface using CARP 1 and end up with a MAC address conflict. Yes, easy to change the CARP 1 setup to CARP 2 for example, but before you see that this is the problem, you don't always see it right away. (:>

Again, not an OpenBSD problem other then be stuck by it's own success now where the MAC address are not accepted anymore.

Any word of wisdom on this silly issue? (:>

I find it more funny then not, however still a real problem, specially as it is the new year, but this is not an April fools either...

I thought some others may find it funny as well, but in the end, any suggestions on the issue a hand? Worst case simply changing the source code default MAC address can address that on both servers, as long as you don't forget to do so each time you reload a new current on these boxes!

Oups... Did I say someone forget to do so sometimes! (:> Finger slapping needed...



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