On Nov 30, 2015, at 2:34 PM, Theo de Raadt <dera...@cvs.openbsd.org> wrote:
> These days the CD revenue is about what a cashier at a store makes.

I'm sick to my stomack when I read this.  I won't get into how unjust, unfair,
unethical this situation is, we all know that life is unfair.  We also all
know that Theo could have a high six figure, probably even seven figure salary
if he chose to. I don't think the issue is what new technology to deliver the
CD sets on.  I think the question is how to deliver Theo a recurring revenue
so that he gets to draw a salary that is at least somewhat commensurate with
his contribution to the IT industry. Just like a lot of us do recurring
contributions to the OpenBSD Foundation, we need to find a way to provide Theo
directly as well. Am I beeing too naive, am I missing somthing here?

Kind Regards,


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