On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 8:18 PM, Theo de Raadt <dera...@openbsd.org> wrote:
>>"All I can do is buy the CD's and give some $ to the
>>foundation.  Any other suggestion is not productive."
>>I don't think that quite covers it. Those of us who have the choice
>>can send checks or Paypal money directly to Theo, as described on the
>>Donations page. I think checks are preferable, because they eliminate
>>Paypal skimming its credit-card-like fees, at the cost of a stamp. The
>>CDs also involve paying a middle-man.
> Completely true.  Also it is a 20 minute walk each way to the bank,
> and keyboard folk need to do more walks.
>>Checks to Theo get the maximum amount of money to the place where it
>>will do the project the most good, which includes providing Theo with
>>the money he needs to continue doing what he's doing.
> On a personal "hate ramen noodles and tuna" level, I agree.
> But my good-for-project-good-for-the-world side says the OpenBSD
> Foundation is more effective at growing the contribution pie and
> in particular funding the hackathons where great work happens.

But if we lose the project leader due to lack of exercise and food,
that's not good for the project. You made it very clear in a previous
message to this thread that no Foundation money comes to you. So while
the Foundation may be doing good things with their money, we, the
community, need to be sure that you have what you need. And in the
unlikely event that the freeloader factor decreases and we send you
more than you need, couldn't you turn the excess over to the

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