On Wed, Mar 30, 2016, at 08:47 AM, Adam Smith wrote:

> Does it matter if misc@openbsd.org is an askubuntu of sorts?

Yes, first off you have to understand that Ubuntu is geared towards the
retard market
that is why most of their userbase are refereed to as "Ubuntards". As
such, askubuntu
is for people that don't want to learn or read manuals they simply just
want to be 
spoonfed answers from anonymous drones. Ubuntu's "dad" actually escaped
space to avoid all the 'tards asking questions about video cards and
such. There is
no askubuntu in space.

This mailing list is for users who actually try to figure things out on
their own so
they can provide useful information and help, not just "Oh Ah-dumb, you
forgot to do this!!!"  
> I hope the person(s) in charge of this mailing list believes in democracy
> and freedom of speech and expression, provided that questions asked in
> the list pertain to OpenBSD and how to use it.

The list owners are fascist anarchists and deem your "democracy" as
> If people here are offended because they find my questions to be noobish,
> elementary, etc...they are welcome to press the "Delete" key to trash it. 

We are offended because you think you can just dump a bunch of silly
questions on
us in the hope that we'll just answer 'em for ya instead of you reading
the manuals 
or trying to figure it out on your own.

> Just so you know when I graduated from high school back in the early 70s,
> the personal computer, the pager or beeper, mobile or cell phone,
> internet, smartphones, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, Linux, OpenBSD weren't
> invented yet. And in those days computing or IT wasn't taught in the high
> school curriculum.

No one cares, and this is not a good excuse for not trying. When I was
young there were
no computers so I had to program in raw electricity. I would keep the
stack inside a 
bag of potatoes (they were called starch beans then) and the heap on a
but of course, no one cares about that here.

Yours in Christ, 


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