>--- rczlo...@gmail.com wrote:
>From: Raf Czlonka <rczlo...@gmail.com>
>To: Adam Smith <ken...@dcemail.com>
>Cc: Marko Cupać <marko.cu...@mimar.rs>, misc@openbsd.org
>Subject: Re: Syntax error in pf rules
>Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2016 20:10:37 +0100
>Well, OpenBSD mailing lists have their own netiquette[0] so it would
>be nice if one did one's homework before posting such basic questions.

Do you've proof that I hadn't done my homework before posting basic questions? 

>Documentation (manual pages[1] and the FAQ[2]) is there for a reason
>and people work hard to write it all down and keep it up to date.

I couldn't find the answers to that particular question that I had asked in the 
manual pages and the FAQ.

>Minimum effort is a requirement.

I know. Do you have proof that I hadn't put in my minimum effort before jumping 
to conclusions?



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