On Mon, Apr 04, 2016 at 04:40:20PM -0600, Nick Bender wrote:

> I wonder if any FORTRAN programmers out there remember the trick of putting
> line numbers after column 72 so the card sort could sort your program back
> into order when you dropped your card deck?

This was not limited to FORTRAN. We always used sequence numbers in 73-80
for exactly this reason. To this day the MVS (z/OS) editor will place them
for you in those colums automatically when you say "num on" or "renum". This
works for assembler, COBOL, and PL/I too.

And yeah you won't understand unless you ever dropped a box of cards or saw
the look of horror on somebody else's face when he did.

> Finally I'll never get back the three days I spent finding the zero I had
> mistakenly put in place of the letter O in my JCL at the front of the card
> deck. Good times...

We're still keeping the faith!


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