Wed, 13 Apr 2016 18:34:43 +0200 Mike Burns <>
> On 2016-04-13 15.31.36 +0200, Erling Westenvik wrote:
> > On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 09:37:53AM +0000, Mike Burns wrote:  
> > > I hooked some shell scripts up with zenity to make a wifi GUI.
> > >   
> > Interesting. Care to share the code somewhere? Maybe it could evolve
> > into a port/package?  
> I'll share the code, but it has some caveats:

It's a starting point for all programs, feedback helps a lot.

> - I made this for my laptop and my use cases.

You're very interested in it, which is what it takes indeed.

> - I hate automation.

Just design correct to be susceptible to automation is enough.
Programs evolve into filters and interfaces to other programs.

> - It's not very good.

The future is open, if you keep your interest in it, buckle up.

> - The GUI gives no feedback after you select the access point.

Minor convenience details, you'll have more iterations with it.

> Feel free to turn it into anything you'd like.

Thanks a bunch, please keep it up (don't listen to crappy talk).

> Attached is a man page for wifi(1), the wifi script itself, and wifi-gtk
> which makes use of the wifi script. Run it as 'doas wifi-gtk -C $HOME/.wifi',
> where $HOME/.wifi is your wifi config (see the attached man page).
> ===
> wifi.1:
> ===
> .Dd $Mdocdate$
> .Dt WIFI 1
> .Os
> .Sh WIFI
> .Nm wifi
> .Nd connect to OpenBSD wifi
> .Nm progname
> .Fl C Ar config
> .Fl i Ar iface
> .Ar nickname
> The
> .Nm
> utility connects to the wifi on the interface
> .Ar iface
> according to the
> .Ar nickname
> as read from
> .Ar config .
> .\" For sections 1, 6, 7, and 8 only.
> The configuration file follows a simple format:
> .Pp
> .Dl nickname: ifconfig-options autoconfiguration
> .Pp
> These three values are as follow:
> .Bl -tag -width Ds
> .It Va nickname
> The name of the wifi network, to be passed to the
> .Nm
> program.
> .It Va ifconfig-options
> Options for
> .Xr ifconfig 1 ,
> such as
> .Li nwid
> and
> .Li wpakey .
> .It Va autoconfiguration
> Either
> .Li dhcp
> for DHCP or
> .Li rtsol
> for IPv6 autoconf.
> .El
> The exit status of
> .Nm
> is the same as the exit status of the
> .Pa /etc/netstart
> program.
> .Pp
> .Dl sudo wifi -C ~/.wifi -i iwn0 home
> .Pp
> .\" For sections 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9 printf/stderr messages only.
> .Xr ifconfig 1 ,
> .Xr hostname.if 5
> .\" .Sh HISTORY
> .An "Mike Burns" Aq
> .\" .Sh CAVEATS
> .\" .Sh BUGS
> ===
> wifi:
> ===
> #!/bin/sh
> usage() {
>   echo usage: wifi -C config -i iface nickname
>   exit 64
> }
> args=`getopt "C:i:" $*`
> if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
>   usage
> fi
> set -- $args
> while [ $# -ne 0 ]; do
>   case "$1" in
>     -C)
>       config="$2"
>       shift; shift
>       ;;
>     -i)
>       iface="$2"
>       shift; shift
>       ;;
>     --)
>       shift
>       to_connect="$@"
>       break
>       ;;
>   esac
> done
> if [ -z "$config" -o -z "$iface" -o -z "$to_connect" ]; then
>   usage
> fi
> file="/etc/hostname.$iface"
> dhcp_cfg=$(sed -ne "/^${to_connect}:.*dhcp/s/.*: *\(.*\) *dhcp/\1/p" 
> "$config")
> rtsol_cfg=$(sed -ne "/^${to_connect}:.*rtsol/s/.*: *\(.*\) *rtsol/\1/p" 
> "$config")
> if [ -z "$dhcp_cfg" -a -z "$rtsol_cfg" ]; then
>   echo "Could not find '$to_connect' in $config" >&2
>   exit 1
> fi
> echo "# Autogenerated by wifi(1)" > "$file"
> echo "# Connection name: '${to_connect}'" >> "$file"
> if [ -n "$dhcp_cfg" ]; then
>   echo "$dhcp_cfg" >> "$file"
>   echo dhcp >> "$file"
> fi
> if [ -n "$rtsol_cfg" ]; then
>   echo "$rtsol_cfg" >> "$file"
>   echo rtsol >> "$file"
> fi
> exec sh /etc/netstart
> ===
> wifi-gtk
> ===
> #!/bin/sh
> if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
>   echo usage: wifi-gtk -C config
>   exit 64
> fi
> config="$2"
> nwid=$(sed -ne 's/\(.*\):.*/\1/p' "$config" | zenity --list --title Wifi 
> --column nwids)
> if [ -n "$nwid" ]; then
>   exec /home/mike/.bin/wifi -C "$config" -i iwn0 "$nwid"
> fi

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