On 2016-05-10, Theo de Raadt <dera...@cvs.openbsd.org> wrote:
>> It's still relatively young and the clients are improving.
> I actually don't think they are improving.
> I don't see any with priviledge seperation, nor any which could
> plausibly be pledged.

For months there wasn't anything other than the official client. After
the service started operating and showed itself to not be vapourware
people started writing their own, but obviously the ones that were
ready to share early were mostly quick hacks.

It's not priviledge-separated (though like most of them can be run as an
unpriviledged user given a little thought), but there's one written in
go (acmetool) which seems cleaner than most. (Pity it's in a language
with an annoying-to-build/package ecosystem but at least it's not
another one in unportable bash...)

I'd be happy to be proved wrong but I don't think we're very likely to
see privsep unless it comes from someone familiar with OpenBSD. I don't
know why but very few seem to use these techniques.

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