Joakim Frostegård wrote:
> The idea is to replace index.html but for all other pages just
> replace the stylesheets. In so far, I’ve included a few other
> pages, including plat.html, goals.html and alpha.html.
> I’ve tried to keep the page without bells and whistles, that is:
> * Just static HTML and CSS
> * No frameworks
> * No javascript
> * Minimalist design
> though I have included the Apache 2-licensed Open Sans
> from Google Fonts. If you like the page, I guess we could
> build our own font instead of using the google repository.
> Is this the right place to post this? Are you (the openbsd devs)
> interested in this at all?

Interest varies by person. But since this retains much of the old look, I
think it's not bad.

That said:

Yellow is far too light. No contrast with white. Use a dark blue for contrast.

The left menu needs to set off someway. It can't all blend together.

The new plat.html does look better. I think the current pages use red as an
accent color but they shouldn't.

As long as links are readily identifiable, removing the underlines reduces a
lot of noise. But not yellow.

The wider margins do help on wide screens.

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