> > The idea is to replace index.html but for all other pages just
The technical term is ``deface'' and maybe this thread could be ignored.

> > replace the stylesheets. In so far, I’ve included a few other
> > pages, including plat.html, goals.html and alpha.html.

Interesting, the moment some other systems started swapping designs,
the moment their public knew they've sold out and commercialised in.

> I don't know a whole lot about web dev but I like it. It's still
> responsive and uncluttered.

Maybe then not rate suggestions that are hanging in the air unattached.

> I find this page easier to read over the openbsd layout:

You find this now, you could have created the original system and
carried it over time including the web site text, reflecting code.

> For instance, AsiaBSDCon is listed 12 times. Maybe it would be a
> better layout to group by that event.

No, historic list it is, these things happen over time.  You want
reorder, do it local after retrieval, think before posting please.

> Henning Brauer has 28 entries. I'd prefer a nice, clean way to list
> all his papers, not a need to comb through all entries on the page.

A productive man among many others.  Process the info your end, OK?

> As I said, I'm no web dev--just a user of it for a long time.

Other users exist, and they go back many years in time with the system.

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