On 22.05.16 11:21, bytevolc...@safe-mail.net wrote:
On Sun, 22 May 2016 09:32:47 +0200
Reinhold Straub <demarc...@web.de> wrote:
<img border="0" src="images/puffy59.gif" height="100%" width="100%"
style="max-height:199;max-width:599" alt="[OpenBSD 5.9]">

It doesn't seem like this change offers any merit whatsoever.

For narrow windows 'height="100%" width="100%"' scales the puffy image down. Scaling reduces the width of the second column, so text below the image reflows.

'style="max-height:199;max-width:599"' prevents unnecessary scaling on wide windows.

It could even be simplified:

<img src="images/puffy59.gif" alt="[OpenBSD 5.9]">

This keeps the current behavior: for narrow windows, horizontal scrolling becomes necessary to read the text below the image.

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