On Mon, June 6, 2016 16:52, Alan Corey wrote:
> I have an HP Pavilion DV2700 laptop with an old BIOS version I'd like
> to update.  HP's official solution is to run something under the
> dinosaur Windows Vista, which I was glad to wash my hands of about 7
> years ago.
> I opened up HP's exe file (rename to a zip and unzip), inside is a 1
> meg file 30cdf2d.wph which I think is the payload.  It's a Phoenix
> BIOS so it's set up to use Phoenix's WinPhlash utility.  I have no
> operating system at all on the machine at present, it has no floppy
> drive, doesn't boot from the CD/DVD.  I can boot from USB or the hard
> drive only.  I can put in an old hard drive from another laptop and
> boot it into OpenBSD.  Not booting from the CD is what I'm trying to
> fix, a guy at HP support seems to think flashing the BIOS may help.
> It's possible there are remnants of Windows "Secure Boot" around from
> somebody trying to load Windows 7+ although since I can boot from USB
> (a gparted ISO written to an SD card plugged into a USB reader) I
> doubt it.
> On the Arch Linux page at
> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Flashing_BIOS_from_Linux there's
> mention of a couple programs that might work: BiosDisk and Flashrom.
> Anybody use either of those under OpenBSD?  I haven't tried chasing
> down the source and trying to build them, I was a little surprised
> they aren't in sysutils.  I don't see anything in there for flashing,
> just looking in pbrowser.
flashrom was imported some time ago:

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