I think it absolutely is a language issue:

> On policy page it clearly says: "OpenBSD strives to provide code that can
be freely used, copied, modified, and distributed by anyone and for any

Operative word being **strives** - might want to look it up.

It does not say 'guaranteed', 'only', nor 'strictly' - It says they make a good
effort to provide such, and they certainly do - particularly compared to the
rest of the OS landscape.

On Sat, Jan 7, 2017 at 7:44 PM, Martin Hanson
<greencopperm...@yandex.com> wrote:
> 08.01.2017, 01:29, "Mike Burns" <mike+open...@mike-burns.com>:
>> On 2017-01-08 00.02.21 +0100, Martin Hanson wrote:
>>>  The issue is a misguiding policy statement.
>> It could be a language issue. I'm a native speaker and everything Theo,
>> et al., are saying matches perfectly with the policy statement, to me.
>> Perhaps you can suggest improved wording. Patches go to tech@.
> I don't believe it's a language issue. What Theo has explained acts as a
> "clarification" of the policy, which is fine in itself, but it needs to be 
> added.
> The policy statement alone, as is, is misguiding and I even believe that
> it's a problem from a legal stand point, but that's beside the matter.
> Theo himself can correct his faulty policy.

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