On Mon, 16 Jan 2017, Stuart Henderson wrote:

On 2017/01/16 15:37, Damian McGuckin wrote:
On Mon, 16 Jan 2017, Stuart Henderson wrote:

In normal operations NSD _does_ run on port 53.

Yes. But if you want both NSD and UNBOUND running on the same box, things
need to change.

Not necessarily, because they can run on different addresses. For example you could have unbound bound to an internal address and NSD listening to an external one.

I am not an NSD/UNBOUND expert, but

If you run NSD on the external link (pppoe0) and that external link does not come up, as when the external (ADSL) phone link is down, anything that NSD is handling for the internal machines in the network is unavailable.
So it needs to run off an internal interface.

I'm not sure how you're fetching code to see this, but if it's showing you
pledge in 5.1 then something is wrong with it, it's a much newer addition.

Ignore those comments. Looking at the 'diff' back the front. There is no pledge in the 5.1 code.

I thought the whole idea of using NSD/UNBOUND is to avoid installing

Well, the tools you're using for this are part of BIND...

Yes, under sufferance. I looked at 'drill' but it looked like too much work. Long term, might be a great idea as Craig Skinner suggests ...

        Could NLnetLab's libldns & drill totally replace all this?

I still cannot see what risk there is on qujerying a DNS on a non-standard port. Enlighten me please?

None, if that's what you are expecting to do.

Plenty, if the code has been subverted to make an unexpected network connection.

Which code, the 'dig' side or the daemon sucking on the port? I probably need to discuss this over a beer because there must e something I am missing.

Regards - Damian

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