This can all be done without GSoC, and OpenBSD is better off without it.
Obviously I cannot speak on behalf of any OpenBSD developers here, this
is just my thoughts based on observations of other open-source projects
that did GSoC over the years.

Some students were shit, letting the projects down and putting them at
risk of getting less slots allocated the next time. Some suffered
psychologically while trying to keep up with the GSoC requirements and
tight scheduling. Some were forced to rush things along the way and cut
out bits of work to submit their code by the due date.

When OpenBSD last participated in the GSoC, there were good projects
such as Capsicum, HAMMER2, Async. USB I/O, and some others. There were
no status updates or info. Again, I'm not sure what happened, but it
wouldn't surprise me if the OpenBSD project faced issues like the above.

On Wed, 05 Apr 2017 13:10:55 +0000
Luke Small <> wrote:

> I imagine there are some projects that need some love that are on the
> back burner at the moment that could use some hacking; even if it is
> totally redone later by someone that wants to refactor it for privsep
> and such.

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