On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 10:04:40AM +0200, Alexandre Ratchov wrote:
> > 
> > I've installd midish, and attempted to configure it to take my keyboard
> > input send it to the synthesizer.
> > 
> > midish config:
> > 
> > # Device 0: Arturia MKII
> > dnew 0 "rmidi/0"    ro
> > 
> > # Device 1: fluidsynth
> > dnew 1 "midithru/0" wo
> > 
> > # Connect mkii to fluidsynth
> > fnew fluidsynth
> > fmap {any 0} {any 1}
> > 
> this is correct, but you need to run the "i" command to start it
> processing.  Then, it's supposed to work, assuming fluidsynth is
> still running.

Doh. Yes, that was it! Thanks!


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