I don't know the bridge code in OpenBSD as well as I know it in Linux -
basic bridges don't add any appreciable overhead on that platform until you
start mucking around with bridge specific things.

It just means you maintain an arp table distinct from each sub-interface.

tl;dr - it's not going to hurt your performance.

On 2 June 2017 at 14:37, Tinker <ti...@openmailbox.org> wrote:

> In the kernel however that implies an internal indirection/one or more
> additional rounds copying of all traffic and passing around, right, so even
> it works quite well, it's not optimal right?
> Anyhow sure that is an effective workaround if needed.
> On 2017-06-02 02:20, Joel Wirāmu Pauling wrote:
>> There are several ways of doing this.
>> I suggest just using a bridge and adding a bunch of sub-devices into
>> it.
>> On 2 June 2017 at 14:00, Tinker <ti...@openmailbox.org> wrote:
>> Wait, can you give an example of how that would work?
>>> I was not aware of any aliasing mechanism e.g. I could designate
>>> "cdce10001" or "virt10001" to be the cdce that has MAC so and so.
>>> On 2017-06-02 01:12, Joel Wirāmu Pauling wrote:
>>> You can use a Virtual Interface/Alias that is consistent so that
>>> you
>>> don't need to change scripts/etc in relation to network config - I
>>> believe this is suggested in several man pages etc as a solution to
>>> consistent interface naming.
>>> On 2 June 2017 at 12:50, Tinker <ti...@openmailbox.org> wrote:
>>> On 2017-06-02 00:45, Joe Gidi wrote:
>>> Good news! You can have this already.
>>> Yay!
>>> Go run Linux.
>>> Em -
>>> Nay!
>>> No yay. Hope to see a solid solution to this problem on a
>>> non-crappy OS soon.

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