On Fri, 2 Jun 2017 08:25:57 -0400

> Linux's (and Windows and Solaris and ...) attempts to "fix" this
> problem is one of the reasons I'd consider Linux (and Windows
> and ...) crappy. A complicated solution that creates far more
> problems than it ever solves, and usually at the worst times possible
> (i.e., disaster recovery, where you are trying to rebuild a failed
> system).
> The tools to deal with this are already in OpenBSD as I and Peter
> indicated.  We don't need an "automatic" solution that penalizes
> everyone for an edge-case problem (and yes, I'd consider this an edge
> case.  I can't imagine a serious, industrial firewall with USB
> interfaces).

Yeah, definitely, there are more than a few mailing list requests on
switching the linux solution back to eth0...1 etc to fix new issues. The
linux code before (eth0,1,2) did have issues OpenBSD does not too.

My experience that has always been better than Linux is that the e.g.
fxp0,1,2 are in order of pci slot. I assume usbs are the same after
boot so anyone who unplugs and plugs devices and doesn't check the
outcome on critical hardware deserves what they get. Also having
critical hardware that can be physically damaged is also asking for
trouble, so I cannot see an issue at all?? 

p.s. I love the ethernet card driver specific man pages!!

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