On 23-07-17 23:12, Stefan Sperling wrote:
On Sun, Jul 23, 2017 at 09:10:07PM +0200, Martijn Rijkeboer wrote:
On 22-07-17 02:02, Sha'ul wrote:
In Lumina desktop how do I enable shutdown from GUI menu for point and
click poweroff and reboot?

Try adding yourself to the 'operator' group.

The operator group has read access to raw disk device nodes,
bypassing file system permissions: ls -l /dev/r[ws]d[0-9]*

Allowing shutdown/reboot via doas(1) is a safer option.

I totally agree with you, but if you want to use the shutdown
button from within Lumina you currently need to be member of the
'operator' group [0].

[0] https://github.com/trueos/lumina/blob/master/src-qt5/core/libLumina/LuminaOS-OpenBSD.cpp#L157

Kind regards,

Martijn Rijkeboer

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