On Mon, 2017-07-24 at 07:34 -0600, Theo de Raadt wrote:
Whatever anyone wants to do to de-secure their own machine, but this
> type of thing should NEVER be default configuration applied by a
> package.
> I think the entire approach is dumb.
> It's like adding a "shutdown" built-in to ksh.  Obviously when I'm in
> ksh, I want to be able to Shutdown my machine.  Why has this feature
> been withheld from me for so long??

Darned good point.  If the project leadership thinks it's a bad idea,
I'm totally fine with not baking it into upstream.  I have been using
Lumina as my daily driver since 1.1 and haven't really found it
difficult to type "shutdown -hp now" into the xterm I always have open.


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