On Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 10:22:32PM +0100, Freddy Fisker wrote:
> Hi
> I can't get the manual to the cd (change working directory) command. When I
> am trying, I get the manual to cd (ATAPI and SCSI CD-ROM driver) instead.
> It's the same with: man cd
> and in: https://man.openbsd.org/cd
The others already provided plenty of help with regard to manual pages,
however the shell itself may help you out, too:

        $ type cd
        cd is a shell builtin

To illustrate this further:

        $ types an alias for 'whence -v'
        $ type whence
        whence is a shell builtin

ksh(1) has all the details about (special) builtins; of course there is
a tag for `whence' so :t<space>whence<Enter> as described already by
Ingo will bring you right to it.

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