I'm going to start an openbsd blog with nothing but ingo misc@ posts.

> On Dec 13, 2017 at 3:52 PM,  <Ingo Schwarze>  wrote:
>  Hi Freddy, Freddy Fisker wrote on Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 10:22:32PM +0100:  >  
> I can't get the manual to the cd (change working directory) command. That is 
> not a stand-alone command, but a shell built-in. Actually, it is not even 
> possible to implement it as a stand-alone command because the effect of the 
> intended change would end when the command exits.  >  When I am trying, I get 
> the manual to cd (ATAPI and SCSI CD-ROM driver)  >  instead.  >   >  It's the 
> same with: man cd  >   >  and in: https://man.openbsd.org/cd In general, when 
> man(1) gives you the wrong section, specify the section: $ man 1 cd 
> https://man.openbsd.org/cd.1 Of course, in the specific case at hand, that 
> won't help because no such manual exists. Your next try if a manual you are 
> looking for does not exist should be something like $ man -k any~^cd\$ See 
> apropos(1) for details what "any", ~, ^, and $ mean. That gives you about a 
> dozen results, and the shell manuals you are looking for are among them. If 
> you want le
ss noise, you can guess that cd is probably some kind of command, so a more 
specific try would be schwarze@isnote $ man -k Ic,Cm~^cd\$ csh(1) - a shell 
(command interpreter) with C-like syntax ftp(1) - Internet file transfer 
program help(1) - help for new users and administrators ksh, rksh(1) - public 
domain Korn shell mail, Mail, mailx(1) - send and receive mail sftp(1) - secure 
file transfer program sh(1) - command language interpreter vi, ex, view(1)  - 
text editors azalia(4) - generic High Definition Audio device fsdb(8) - FFS 
debugging/editing tool restore, rrestore(8) - restore files or file systems 
from backups... You see, almost no false positives are left - ftp(1), sftp(1), 
restore(1), and even vi(1) indeed have internal cd commands, too. If you are 
completely desperate, you can even say $ man -ak Ic,Cm~^cd\$ to get all these 
manuals in your pager together, then type :tcd inside less(1) to get to the 
first place where "cd" is defined, then press just t repeatedly to move on 
to the other places in turn. Admittedly, that way, it's a bit hard to see which 
manual you are looking at at any specific time, but when you find an instance 
that pleases you, you can type ?^NAME inside less to see the start of the 
respective manual to see its name. After that, you can use the "t", "T", and 
"n" keys alternatingly to move around among instance and see in which manual 
they are in. So we just learned that at least nine different cd commands are 
documented in various places, rather than cd not being documented at all. Which 
is the one you want to use? Learn to use your documentation tools! =:c) Yours, 

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