Hello all, I just want to reference the following post which resolved
my issues of running
OpenBSD guests on Proxmox 5.x

Just to clarify  Todds / Stefans Email in another thread  (Thanks
Stefan and Todd,)


disable kvm_intel.preemption_timer on the host (see \
> /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/preemption_timer ) This seems to be buggy in 
> linux \
> 4.10 and newer

disabling intel-kvm preemption_timer worked for me and it resolved the
timer drift issue
in openbsd on Proxmox 5.1

so in debian / proxmox  I ran the following command

echo options kvm-intel preemption_timer=N >>/etc/modprobe.d/kvm-intel.conf

Tom Smyth

On 30 December 2017 at 23:25, Tom Smyth <tom.sm...@wirelessconnect.eu> wrote:
> Hello I have repeated OpenBSD 6.2  Testng on Proxmox PVE
> 5.1 3r Relasee CD
> The console does not hang like in previous releases of Proxmox
> PVE 5.x
> However the issue of  delays between pings (slow sleep time) stil
> is there since the 5.1 Release 2 and is present in 5.1 release 3 iso
> (the Proxmox 5.1 CD that was released 22 December 2017
> if I do date;sleep 1;date
> I will get the first time and date, and the second time about
> 9-11 seconds after the first...  and the interval between pings is
> sporadic... I will raise a case with Proxmox again about this
> Ill do some further digging...
> Thanks
> On 27 October 2017 at 07:18, Tom Smyth <tom.sm...@wirelessconnect.eu> wrote:
>> Hello Theo, Mike, All,
>> @Theo Understood it is important to protect developers and the project goals
>> ... @Mike Thanks for your Generosity in the time you took on this thread,
>> Yes I want Mike to make VMM more awesome :)  @Mike keep up the good work
>> I cant disagree with any point that Theo made in his email on this tread
>> that said,
>> unfortunately I cant always choose my hypervisor and I dearly want to run
>> OpenBSD on it proxmox...
>> I do think (based on the fact that OpenBSD 6.0-6.2 works on PVE 4.4 it is
>> probably a (virtual Hardware issue ) .. not necessarily an OpenBSD issue
>> I will raise this with the PVE Support guys (as I have already done since mid
>> July )
>> Any further posts on this thread from me will be (hopefully for other OpenBSD
>>  users benefit (if I make progress)
>> and certainly not intended as a request or a distraction for Core
>> OpenBSD Developers
>> All the Best,
>> Tom Smyth
>> On 27 October 2017 at 06:37, Theo de Raadt <dera...@openbsd.org> wrote:
>>> Tom,
>>> A virtual machine setup is an operating system running on an operating
>>> system on top of an operating system.
>>> OK, not quite.  The middle one, the VM itself, is as a bit less
>>> complex than a full operating system as machine-independent code goes,
>>> but nevertheless the machine-dependent bat-shit-crazy stuff is far
>>> more complex with gobs of extremely messy nuances face it on both
>>> sides because x86 is a fucking minefield
>>> Everyone needs to adjust their expectation that all 3 layers are
>>> perfect, AND not assume that it is our layer doing the wrong thing
>>> Really the layers should simplify but the current marketplace is still
>>> gaining more value out of product differentiation than
>>> simplification+convergence, both sw and hw
>>> Even if our subsystem isn't doing something 'right', it is NOT the
>>> stated goal of OpenBSD to run well on every garbage VM, because it has
>>> become impossible for the little guy to be perfect.
>>> Concerted efforts to diagnose and improve these low-level issues uses
>>> the same crowd of people who are trying to improve other edges which
>>> may be more important.  do you want our vmm to work well?  or do you
>>> want us to work better on someone else's vmm?  Sorry, limited
>>> skillset, pick what you want mlarkin to focus on!  But that is unfair,
>>> and even if he listened to your wishlist, UNPRODUCTIVE.
>>> Where does this go?  Get ready for monopolies in everything, or
>>> oligopolies at best... or fight their establishment.
>>>> Just to say the gaps in ping response seems  get worse as the uptime 
>>>> increases
>>>> ie
>>>> with the uptime around 5 minutes the gaps between ping results are around 
>>>> 1 sec
>>>> (what I consider normal)
>>>> with the uptime around 2 hrs 45 minutes the gaps between ping results are 
>>>> 13 sec
>>>> with the uptime 8 hrs 30 minutes  the gaps between ping results are 35 
>>>> seconds
>>>> Output of sysctl kern.timecounter below
>>>> kern.timecounter.tick=1
>>>> kern.timecounter.timestepwarnings=0
>>>> kern.timecounter.hardware=acpihpet0
>>>> kern.timecounter.choice=i8254(0) acpihpet0(1000) acpitimer0(1000)
>>>> dummy(-1000000)
>>>> I will change the ACPI  now to i8254  and report back later on
>>>> Thanks
>>>> On 26 October 2017 at 20:25, Mike Belopuhov <m...@belopuhov.com> wrote:
>>>> > On Thu, Oct 26, 2017 at 19:05 +0100, Tom Smyth wrote:
>>>> >> Lads,
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Im pleased to say that my testing of OpenBSD 6.1  and OpenBSD 6.2
>>>> >> Release
>>>> >> amd64 ,
>>>> >> appear to work  a little better  in Proxmox PVE5.1 as released this 
>>>> >> week,
>>>> >>
>>>> >> I used iso version 5.1-722cc488-1 from Proxmox
>>>> >> Updated on 24 October 2017
>>>> >>
>>>> >> The Console no longer freezes but after a few hours
>>>> >> the console (vga console accessed via Proxmox webinterface seems
>>>> >> to lag a little
>>>> >> the interval between pings for instance takes up to 13 seconds, which
>>>> >> is a bit strange...  ie it takes 13 seconds for each line of Ping result
>>>> >> which is u
>>>> >> Ill report more feedback later, but at least OpenBSD is not freezing
>>>> >> as bad in this
>>>> >> version of Proxmox PVE 5.1
>>>> >>
>>>> >
>>>> > Hi,
>>>> >
>>>> > Can you please show us the output of "sysctl kern.timecounter".
>>>> > If you're currently using an acpihpet0, can you please try
>>>> > switching to the acpitimer0 (and if that doesn't help, i8254) via
>>>> >
>>>> >  sysctl kern.timecounter.hardware=acpitimer0
>>>> >
>>>> > and attempt to reproduce the 13 secod delay.
>>>> >
>>>> > Regards,
>>>> > Mike
> --
> Kindest regards,
> Tom Smyth
> Mobile: +353 87 6193172
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