Thanks Sebastien, I just figured out this. Now everything is clear.
If I may propose something . . . those "Not found" items even if it is not an 
error, is a little bit misleading . . . From a simple user's point of view the 
pkg_check -F in normal circumstances should return cleanly. Maybe an extra 
option for pkg_check in future that tells to show those "Not found" items (by 
default not to show).

On Wednesday, February 28, 2018 9:06 PM, Sebastien Marie <> 

On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 06:56:17PM +0000, Zsolt Kantor wrote:

> Another question.
> pkg_check -F uses pkg_locate script to locate package files, directories.
> pkg_locate uses locate to do that.
> Question: If I use pkg_locate bsd.rd nothing is returned, but if I use locate 
> bsd.rd the ramdisk kernel is returned. Why? Is pkg_locate not working 
> correctly? Or I'm missing something?

pkg_locate uses a database populated with all files from ports
(installed packages or not).

locate uses a database populated with updatedb, and it contains only
files installed on filesystem (it is updated weekly).

so pkg_locate bsd.rd searchs if a file "bsd.rd" exists in some port
(installed or not); whereas locate bsd.rd searchs if a file "bsd.rd"
exists in current filesystem.

Sebastien Marie

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