Thanks for your fast answer.

I thought before, that the manual triage was the point.

Would the devs accept / use a bug tracker ? I ask because I find start
something without the devs is burning time (see the .ru domain, the UI
posts ... ).

If someone of the developers is interested a off list discussion could
maybe help.



> Hi Christoph,
> Christoph R. Murauer wrote on Sun, Apr 01, 2018 at 01:56:47PM +0200:
>> not a problem from the OpenBSD developers ?
> There *is* an actual problem:  Some bug reports are not processed
> immediately because at the time they are posted, nobody happens to
> find the time to investigate.  Later on, when somebody would have
> time to look, such unprocessd reports have low visibility because
> they are nothing but an old posting on a mailing list, drowning in
> a lot of noise from invalid and resolved reports.
> The task of a bugtracker would be
>  1. to collect as FEW as possible tickets -
>     ideally only valid, unprocessed ones with complete information
>  2. to close them when resolved such that the number of open tickets
>     stays low
> That's why manual triage and curation is the crucial point.
> Yours,
>   Ingo

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