On Sun, 22 Apr 2018, Rupert Gallagher wrote:

Bloatware is a luxury I cannot afford on embedded systems with limited
resources where every KB and CPU cycle is accounted for. I would rather
submit my recipe for a proper samba source configuration and have the
maintainer do the compiling of a flavored version, but I already had
negative feedback. The maintainer is dogmatic on having an obese package
instead of a lean one that delivers the same functionality without the
extra fat.

It would be nice to have meager packages, it is nice not to have to
compile and have everything served as package.

But speacially if you are dealing with embedded systems,
it is better you compile things yourself. You can use the packages
not for installing, but for inspecting the patches.

Respecting NFS: I had long ago compatibility problems between
OpenBSD and FreeBSD: it worked at the beginning, but was not reliable,
it hang when transfering (copying) big files. I do not remember
details anymore, where the server and where the client, configuration.


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