On Tue, 22 May 2018 18:13:23 -0700
"Paul B. Henson" <hen...@acm.org> wrote:

> If the ldap server isn't available when opensmtpd is started, it says
> it started:
> # /etc/rc.d/smtpd start

Then apparently you should have done

# /etc/rc.d/ldapd start

or preferably

# rcctl start ldapd


Are you enabling them both at boot time?

# rcctl enable ldapd
# rcctl enable smtpd

Are they being started in the wrong order at boot time?

Otherwise, there may well be arguably a certain reliability or error
reporting issue in the code for it, but there is a certain bottom line
here in that if you configure ASDF to _require_ JKL for authentication,
then you really do need to have JKL "available" if you expect ASDF to
work the way you configured it.

What you ask is a very general question: If A depends on B, and B is
missing, how do expect A to behave?

Anyways, smtpd is a daemon. It was forked off, and it was still running
when it was checked immediately after you issued the command
"/etc/rc.d/smtpd start". Its parent process had no doubt already
terminated and control had reverted to the shell before the fatal error
occurred. You would have to issue the command

# rcctl check smtpd

to check that smtpd is still running at some later time.

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