On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 06:13:23PM -0700, Paul B. Henson wrote:
> So I recently converted my opensmtpd server to use ldap as the backend
> for user authentication. It seems it's a bit untolerant to ldap issues?

yes most likely

If the ldap server isn't available when opensmtpd is started, it says it
> started:
> # /etc/rc.d/smtpd start
> smtpd(ok)
> But it isn't there:
> # ps -aux | grep smtpd
> root     89090  0.0  0.0   304  1208 p6  S+p    5:52PM    0:00.00 grep smtpd
> And it's not really obvious why:
> May 22 17:52:51 bart smtpd[46044]: info: OpenSMTPD 6.0.4 starting
> May 22 17:52:51 bart smtpd[23325]: warn: table-proc: pipe closed
> May 22 17:52:51 bart smtpd[23325]: lookup: table-proc: exiting
> May 22 17:52:51 bart smtpd[73239]: smtpd: process lka socket closed

not good

> Starting in debug mode:
> # smtpd -d
> info: OpenSMTPD 6.0.4 starting
> users[43283]: debug: reading key "url" -> "ldap://localhost:3389";
> users[43283]: debug: reading key "basedn" ->
> users[43283]: debug: reading key "username" ->
> users[43283]: debug: reading key "password" ->
> users[43283]: debug: reading key "credentials_filter" -> 
> "(&(objectClass=uidObject)(uid=%s))"
> users[43283]: debug: parsing attribute "credentials_attributes" (2) -> 
> "uid,description"
> users[43283]: debug: done reading config
> users[43283]: warn: aldap_parse
> users[43283]: fatal: failed to connect
> warn: table-proc: pipe closed
> lookup: table-proc: exiting
> smtpd: process lka socket closed
> You can see it looks like it fails to connect to the ldap server at
> startup and just dies.
> Further, if the ldap server is up at startup, but ever restarts or has
> the connection broken, authentication just fails:
> May 21 13:22:10 bart smtpd[42132]: warn: user credentials lookup fail for 
> users:henson
> The opensmtpd process needs to be restarted before authentication works
> again.

not good

> In debug mode, it shows:
> users[7295]: debug: table_ldap: ldap_query:
> filter=(&(objectClass=uidObject)(uid=henson)), ret=0
> 5e46e2fabbf8d72e smtp event=authentication user=henson
> address= host= result=permfail
> Is it expected that the ldap support is currently not production ready?
> I see in a presentation from back in 2013 that ldap was classified
> experimental at the time, but it's not clear if that's still the case.

Yes, sadly

I wrote the initial ldap support but I don't use ldap myself and I could
not get any user to spend time with me testing related diffs more than a
couple times, so...

> I see in the repo at
> https://github.com/OpenSMTPD/OpenSMTPD-extras/blob/master/extras/tables/table-ldap/table_ldap.c
> there's a change to add ldap reconnection support:
> https://github.com/OpenSMTPD/OpenSMTPD-extras/commit/04e4c521b34d1987af915ff97dcb0d87daf122b0#diff-369c0fcbfbc85bf2cdad7dba1131b872
> but it's dated 7/27/2017, and the last github release seems to be
> 201601072302 (although the openbsd port appears to be 201703132115, I
> guess it's not downloading it from github?).

It's been a while since the last -extras release indeed,
I suppose the openbsd port pulls from github, I dunno really

> It looks like the code in head still fails to start if the ldap server
> isn't available when opensmtpd is started though.

That's bad but could easily be fixed if you want to help us

> Is anybody using opensmtpd with ldap in production? If so, how are you
> working around this issue?

That would be a bad idea... it's experimental :-p

Gilles Chehade

https://www.poolp.org                                          @poolpOrg

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