rdomain is interessting, wasn´t aware of that.
thanks for this input Claudio.

On 24 May 2018 at 19:58, trondd <tro...@kagu-tsuchi.com> wrote:

> On Thu, May 24, 2018 1:28 pm, Claudio Jeker wrote:
> > On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 09:22:32AM -0400, trondd wrote:
> >> On Wed, May 23, 2018 4:35 am, Thomas Huber wrote:
> >> > Hi all,
> >> >
> >> > IÃ*´m just tinkering a little bit and try to mimic some
> >> "containerization"
> >> > on
> >> > OpenBSD with chroot. Is it somehow possible to attach a chrooted
> >> > envirionment to swtichd(8) ?
> >> >
> >> > Thanks
> >> > Thomas
> >> >
> >>
> >> OpenBSD's chroot is not like a Linux contianer or FreeBSD jail.  There
> >> is
> >> no network isolation.  Inside the chroot, you get all the same
> >> interfaces,
> >> IP's, routes, ports as on the "host" or in another chroot.  So doing
> >> anything with the network in the chroot is exactly as same as doing it
> >> normally.
> >>
> >> If you want to isolate, you probably need vether or tap or the like to
> >> make virtual interfaces and manually tie them to whatever you have
> >> running
> >> in the chroots and muanully set up proxies or whatever you need to make
> >> services accessible.
> >>
> >
> > This is only partially true. If you use alternate routing tables or
> > rdomain, route -T <id> exec will get you network isolation. Processes can
> > not change the rtable unless they run as superuser. It is not perfect but
> > neither is the linux or freebsd solution when it comes to networking.
> >
> > --
> > :wq Claudio
> >
> Sorry, yes.  I meant to mention rdomains, which I think it a pretty cool
> option worth tinkering with.

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