On 09/04/18 09:09, Kevin Chadwick wrote:
On Mon, 3 Sep 2018 18:03:06 -0400

I would not try to dual boot Windows and OpenBSD.  There are too
many disgusting viri out that smash parts of partitions.   OpenBSD
or anything else on the disk is a sitting duck once not active. Don't
do it.  The AV situation on Windows is out of control--a conservative
estimate is that there are 4M pieces of malware out for Windows.
Personally I feel this is a red herring. If you are finding viri on
your system then OpenBSD helps but could be hacked too. Viri are
unlikely with a security conscious OpenBSD user. You are doing
something wrong or need to silo your actions.

Um, maybe I'm not writing well.  I'm talking about a dual-boot Windows
OpenBSD system, which gets a Windows virus, which wipes out the
disk.  Effectively asleep, OpenBSD gets creamed.   That's what I mean
about dual-booting being a risk.

--STeve Andre'

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