Christian Weisgerber writes:
> On 2018-10-14, Jan Stary <> wrote:
> > How do you type the phonetic alphabet in vim?
> > Is there a standard keyboard layout for the English part of IPA?
> I don't use vim, but the sad answer is that I copy and paste,
> principally from Wikipedia's IPA page.  If you're only dealing with
> English, the Help:IPA/English page is more convenient.
> In general, I use the X11 compose key to enter special characters.
> See /usr/X11R6/share/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8/Compose for the available
> combinations.  That's sufficient for entering the letters and
> diacritics used in all European languages that use the Latin alphabet.
> However, it does not cover IPA.

Moving further away from Jan's request for a "standard way", compose key
sequences can be custom-defined in ~/.XCompose (see Compose(5)). I find
having my own compose sequences very useful for math and Unicode in
general (faster to type and easier to remember than TeX/HTML escapes)
but not a replacement for things like Japanese that really require an
IME or dedicated keyboard layout. Not sure where IPA would fall in that
spectrum but copying and pasting is so painful that custom compose
sequences must be more convenient than that.

Anthony J. Bentley

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