Slightly off topic, but:

All the best,

On Sun, Oct 14, 2018 at 11:29 PM Christian Weisgerber <>

> On 2018-10-14, Jan Stary <> wrote:
> > Are there any phoneticians running on OpenBSD?
> I still haven't read Ladefoged yet, but I use IPA somewhat regularly.
> > How do you type the phonetic alphabet in vim?
> > Is there a standard keyboard layout for the English part of IPA?
> I don't use vim, but the sad answer is that I copy and paste,
> principally from Wikipedia's IPA page.  If you're only dealing with
> English, the Help:IPA/English page is more convenient.
> In general, I use the X11 compose key to enter special characters.
> See /usr/X11R6/share/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8/Compose for the available
> combinations.  That's sufficient for entering the letters and
> diacritics used in all European languages that use the Latin alphabet.
> However, it does not cover IPA.
> Vim comes with its own "digraph" system, which uses the RFC1345
> digraphs by default.  They cover a wide range, including Greek and
> Cyrillic, but alas, there's another big hole in the Unicode range
> where the IPA block (U+0250..02AF) is.
> > but I am looking for a "standard" way.
> I suspect people use an on-screen keyboard / character picker.
> In fact, googling for <ipa character picker> immediately finds a
> bunch of web-based ones.
> --
> Christian "naddy" Weisgerber                

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