On 1/5/19 5:22 PM, ed...@pettijohn-web.com wrote:
> I was thinking about spinning up a new instance on vultr to play with.
> They have an option to install OBSD 6.3/4. Has anyone tried these? I 
> attempted the FBSD one in the past, but the default install was all
> whacked out and I had to start over with a fresh install.

as others have said, they support OpenBSD, that's enough.  Don't expect
perfection on their install, it sucks actually.  But their SW supports

Use their install ONLY to put your own bsd.rd in root (everyone seems to
obsess over loading an ISO.  Who cares?  Just use a -current bsd.rd!),
boot off that, reinstall exactly as you want it.  The Vultr console
works great on OpenBSD chrome and firefox browsers.  Use DHCP for
network.  Done.

If you have ever used VMWare's craptastic management clients, you will
be amazed how well Vultr works.


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