
I use to retrieve my install sets from a mirror, after I start the
install procedure with minirootxx.fs

Since the mirrors in my country are updating late and they have some
problems in doing it right, I used ftp.hostserver.de. The download was
working fine, something around 3MBps. This mirror started few days ago
to provide me only with 64KBps constantly, no matter if i do http or

I tried cdn.openbsd.org too, the download is super fast for me, like
30MBps. Still, sometimes it drops to 64KBps too, and stays there. I've
read some articles about CDN networks, but I am not able to see the
big picture.

So, I still have two questions about mirrors:
Can a mirror limit your download speed ?
Do a CDN url point to an existing mirror, or is it a diffeent server?

Thank you.

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