On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 9:35 PM Frank Beuth <secli...@boxdan.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 04:22:05AM +0000, Paul Swanson wrote:
> >Are there particular problems that could benefit from new
> >ideas or solutions?
> An area that I am personally interested in is running OpenBSD on fully
> open-source / binary-blob-free hardware: hardware where there is no
> proprietary
> firmware that could hide vendor backdoors, and ideally where even the
> design of
> the chip is available to the user for review.
> The trouble is it's VERY hard to find "fully open" hardware, and the
> hardware
> which is known to exist (loongson, OpenPOWER, RISC V) is difficult to get,
> expensive or not very good, and (except for loongson) not supported by
> OpenBSD.

Might be time to learn FPGAs! :-)

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