Thu, 14 Feb 2019 04:22:05 +0000 Paul Swanson <>
> Hello,

Hi Paul,

> I'm beginning a Computer Science Master's program and would
> like to hear from members of the OpenBSD community about
> possible areas of research that could be of benefit to OpenBSD
> and its associated projects.

Do you have any previous experience with a *BSD system?  How many years?

> I have some general areas of interest, such as embedded
> computing, but nothing is set in stone yet, so I thought it'd
> be fun to hear from those in know about areas of priority need
> within the OpenBSD community.
> Are there particular problems that could benefit from new
> ideas or solutions?
> Please let me know your thoughts!

1) Install OpenBSD today.
2) See
3) Subscribe to the mailing lists.
4) Keep updating snapshots daily / weekly.
5) Use the OpenBSD system in your master's program.
6) Get a job and apply OpenBSD on the job to solve problems.
7) Bring back what you find most useful from your study and work.
8) Shuffle the list and repeat any of the steps you like, start now.

It's never too late to do more of your work flow using OpenBSD, try it..
When you do real use and maintenance your question will be self obvious.

Kind regards,
Anton Lazarov

> Regards,
> Paul Swanson

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