On Sat, Apr 06, 2019 at 05:45:42PM +0000, tfrohw...@fastmail.com wrote:
> I run a dual-boot with Windows 10 on the same partition and the section that 
> you want removed was extremely helpful at the time. That is _with_ softraid 
> encryption of the OpenBSD partition.
> Setting this up is not for the faint of heart and you have to have backups 
> and a restore strategy before tinkering with multi-booting.
> Your removal request rests on the assumption that because you didn't managed 
> to configure dual-booting nobody can (or should). How about instead you reach 
> out to compare yours to other people's experience? Who knows, maybe a 
> _useful_ addition to the FAQ might come out of it that can help reduce the 
> risk of similar problems for others in the future?

Sure, what did you have to do in order to dualboot Windows and OpenBSD?

I'm not experienced with dualbooting at all because I never need/must to
use it.

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