On Sat, Apr 6, 2019 at 2:57 PM Thomas Frohwein <tfrohw...@fastmail.com>

> On Sat, Apr 06, 2019 at 09:10:59PM +0300, Leonid Bobrov wrote:
> > On Sat, Apr 06, 2019 at 05:45:42PM +0000, tfrohw...@fastmail.com wrote:
> [...]
> >
> > Sure, what did you have to do in order to dualboot Windows and OpenBSD?
> >
> > I'm not experienced with dualbooting at all because I never need/must to
> > use it.
> I remember the following as the steps not mentioned in the FAQ that helped
> me
> get it to work. All with MBR and Windows 10.
> 1. Shrink the main partition in Windows disk manager and create a second
>    partition.
> 2. In the OpenBSD installer, run fdisk and change the type of the second
>    partition to OpenBSD (A6), otherwise keeping same size/offset.
> 3. For softraid crypto, follow the FAQ for installation. You should create
> the
>    RAID partition as 'a' on the OpenBSD part of the disk, leaving (in my
> case
>    'i' and 'j' intact.
> If the above steps help you or your friend to set it up, we can see if an
> addition to the FAQ may be worth considering.
> Here my disklabel and fdisk from that setup:
> # /dev/rsd0c:
> type: SCSI
> disk: SCSI disk
> label: WDC WDS500G2B0B-
> duid: f2adf57b4715cd30
> flags:
> bytes/sector: 512
> sectors/track: 63
> tracks/cylinder: 255
> sectors/cylinder: 16065
> cylinders: 60801
> total sectors: 976773168 # total bytes: 476940.0M
> boundstart: 455473152
> boundend: 976769024
> drivedata: 0
> 16 partitions:
> #                size           offset  fstype [fsize bsize   cpg]
>   a:        254539.0M        455473152    RAID
>   c:        476940.0M                0  unused
>   i:           500.0M             2048    NTFS
>   j:        221898.0M          1026048    NTFS
> Disk: sd0       geometry: 60801/255/63 [976773168 Sectors]
> Offset: 0       Signature: 0xAA55
>             Starting         Ending         LBA Info:
>  #: id      C   H   S -      C   H   S [       start:        size ]
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *0: 07      0  32  33 -     63 221  30 [        2048:     1024000 ] NTFS
>  1: 07     63 221  31 -  28247  27   2 [     1026048:   452763710 ] NTFS
>  2: 27  28247  58  36 -  28351 195   4 [   453791744:     1679360 ] Win
> Recovery
>  3: A6  28351 227  37 -  60801  15  14 [   455473152:   521295872 ]
> OpenBSD
> Leonid Bobrov,

Nice patch to the web site, where on earth are any of the logs from your
session? Not only could your mistaken assumptions been addressed but the
documentation could have been made more robust.

Patric Conant
Mirage Computing Lead Consultant
@MirageComputing <https://twitter.com/MirageComputing>on twitter
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