Felipe Scarel wrote:
I thought the very same thing yesterday, when he published his web site
on the list. I took a look there, and assuming everything is correct, looks
like he ported KDE and Qt to OpenBSD, which seems huge (of course he
shouldn't have done that alone.

Moreover, his job carrer include big companies like IBM and AT&T, so he
mustn't be such a novice... how come his recent posts are so troll-like?
It doesn't make any sense to me.

PS: Great book Craig, thanks for the suggestion!

I don't know anymore! Part of me want to say that may be the man page and FAQ on OpenBSD are so good that anyone can write a book as long as they have good English and can write, or read well. Obviously not my case.

Yes as it was written before, he is very polite and I can't argue that, but I was looking to buy this book to add to my collection of OpenBSD book, as OpenBSD is my favorite OS by far and I even collect all the book that are written on it, even if the difference between them might not be as big as one might think.

But I can only say however that if he was involve in the writing of the book in anyways, may be he is a great guy and I don't know him, and as such everyone deserve a good space for their mistakes, god knows I did my fair share and still do at time, but MEN!!!! if that's the case, he shouldn't be that spaced out in his comments and questions! May be IBM and AT&T are so big they do not always know who they employed, I don't know.

Or may be it was like in school when you might be cheating and get the answer from your friends and write you name on the exam, I don't know.

I would expect the people writing books, specially on OpenBSD to know a lots more then me, so that I can learn from them, but if what you say is true, it make me question my idea and intention of buying the book to start with! No offense to the author if they are great, I don't know, but then, they should pay more attention who they work with don't you think?

I was going to suggest to simply switch to Windows, the GUI interface may be a lots easier to understand, now I guess it would be misplace to do so.

But men, that's doesn't speak for the quality of the lack there of for the book does it!?

Sorry if I offended anyone, not my intentions, but come one, where one will get good and trusted knowledge then if even some what so possibly consider reference book are by trolls, or trolls like?

I don't know anymore, but I sure question myself now???

I know one thing however, I never use "KDE nor Qt", but you can be sure I will not either.

Call me jerk, flame me, or what not, that's fair and may be I deserved it here in this case, but it honestly make me think twice my approaches in the learning of my favorite OS however!

Sorry for the long post, but that's my $0.02 worth and reflections on the subject at the moment.

So, apologies given where they are due!


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