On Sat, Feb 15, 2020 at 01:54:56AM +0100, Noth wrote:
I wouldn't call 64Mb "small" for memory, it's tiny. Even 20 years ago
64 wasn't really enough.

Not really, about 21 years ago I was learning to get XFree86 working,
to break free from the console on a desktop with 24MB of RAM.  Built
that machine with 16MB of RAM in 1998.  Around year 2000, prices of
memory modules significantly increased because of market troubles in
Southeast Asia.  So it took me some time to get to 32MB of RAM in the
end, definitely less than 20 years ago.

To put things in perspective, it was possible to run KDE 1.0 in 24MB of
RAM comfortably.  Biggest memory hog was Netscape, the only usable web
browser on Linux and Unix systems at the time.  A screenshot from that
era: http://toastytech.com/guis/dvxxserv.png.

Obligatory XKCD reference: https://www.xkcd.com/386/  :-]

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