On Wed, Feb 19, 2020 at 06:25:56PM +0000, b...@0x1bi.net wrote:
> >Did you restart inetd after editing inetd.conf?  It has to decide what
> >ports to listen on when it starts up, which means it isn't going to
> >notice edits.
> Yes, I restarted inetd. I still receive the 'Couldn't bind to socket:
> Can't assign requested address'
> I'm not attempting to talk to another user on a different host, I'm
> attempting to contact a local user, which I'm assuming will not pose
> any issues.

I use talk and ytalk [1] regularly on OpenBSD machines, between local

Do you have a correct entry with the machine hostname (full hostname(1)
output) in /etc/hosts?

[1] https://www.cambus.net/talk-and-ytalk-nostalgia/

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