On 2020-03-17 02:48, Aaron Mason wrote:
> It's worth noting that httpd didn't go over ~30% in the test, whereas
> the Go web server absolutely slammed the system.

I wonder if this is linked to Go's concurrency.

Personally I would look into tweaking httpd defaults and relayd as GOs net/http
runs everything as one user and so I prefer to gain httpds TLS key protection
with go via fcgi akin to gcp app engine.

You also need to tweak timeouts etc. for Go, as it's defaults are not ready for
production (easy DOS upon internet exposure) without being behind app
engine/httpd etc.

I would also trust httpds routing over gorilla/mux, though stdlib mux is
probably closer (no regex) but *maybe* not as powerful as httpds.

Of course fcgi *may* slow it down further, if HW cost is paramount.

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