On 2020-03-17, Flipchan <flipc...@riseup.net> wrote:
> Yeah the point with a cdn is to lower the latency of it so therefor you what 
> is needed is just not only a fast http server but  a traffic redirector 
> depending on the end users origin

Doing this via redirects does not lower latency, it increases it.

It may reduce overall time to fetch objects if they are large enough
that faster transfers speed things up enough to offset the higher
latency from connecting to one server, requesting, being redirected,
connecting to the second server, requesting, receiving content.

To reduce latency you need another way to direct users to a nearby
server without doing redirects. Usually either geolocation-aware DNS
that hands out an IP address close to the user's DNS resolver (this
can have problems if the user uses a non-local resolver as is the case
with some DNS privacy services, but is not usually too bad - look at
thd geoip flavour of the isc-bind port, or gdnsd)), or BGP anycast with
connections to other networks around the world (as well as BGP skills,
you need an AS number, at least a /24 of address space that you can use
for this purpose, and hosting providers that will allow you to make BGP

Alternatively the pages pulling in the content can do a dynamic
lookup and use a local-to-the-user hostname when referencing
the objects (<script src="//www-eu.example.org/resource.js"> etc..

Or of course you can outsource it (limelight, vdms, fastly,
cloudflare, cachefly, edgecast, cloudfront, akamai and others).

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